If you don't find more the e-mail of confirmation of reservation, we recommend you to contact directly the hotel/agency where you booked. As last alternative, you can contact the staff of Lignano.it at the e-mail info@lignano.it giving all the information about your reservation. More information we have, the more it will be faster for us to track your booking and answer.
It depends on the number of people and accommodation facilities available on Lignano.it. Usually is it possible to book up to 8-10 people (distributing them across more rooms for the hotels). For most numerous groups, we suggest you to contact directly the accommodation facilities.
No, Lignano.it don't charge any fees.The final price of the reservation is what you pay at the hotel / agency.
No, you must contact the individual accommodation facility for specific information and requirements. You find the contacts in the details of each hotel/agency in the search results.Or through the complete list of the hotels in Lignano and agency in the page "Hotels and Aparthotels", "Apartments" and "Agencies" inside the menù "Where to stay". Lignano.it can't give you this kind of information or intermediate between guest and accommodation facility.
On Lignano.it there is a page describing the booking procedures of hotels and apartments in Lignano. The page is "Secure Booking" in the menù "Where to stay". If you need other information about reservation procedure, contact you Lignano.it team at the email address: info@lignano.it
If the reservation is successful, sure you received an e-mail (we recommend you to check also the spam folder). If you heven't received the confirmation e-mail, the reservation has not occurred and you can try again later (wait at least 15 minutes).
We recommend you to check also the spam folder. Only in the case you received a SMS by your bank of the charge on your credit card, you can contact info@lignano.it and ask for information.Please enter in the e-mail much information as possible (name, surname, email address used for the booking, dates of stay, accommodation facility booked, price, etc.) helping us to solve the problem.
The booking confirmation is immediate. There may be delays due to heavy traffic, but generally the confirmation e-mail arrives within 15 minutes. We recommend that you also check the spam folder.
If you received the confirmation e-mail, the booking was successful. We recommend you to check also the spam folder.
Yes. Some accommodation facilities offer the possibility to book also with bank transfer or other payment instruments. We suggest you to check the options available at the time of booking.
Yes, but it depends on the accommodation facility. Some properties also allow you to book and pay the deposit by bank transfer or other means.