


Kto Sme je portál Lignano Sabbiadoro, severné prímorské letovisko Jadranu.

Vytvorený v roku 1998, je prvý portál určený mestu a jeho návštevníkom,stal sa v krátkom čase záchytným bodom pre všetkých turistov, ktorí chcú stráviť dovolenku pri mori. Každý rok tento portál ponúka množstvo informácií o udalostiach mesta a ubytovanie pre tisíce ľudí z celého sveta, ktorých prístup na túto stránku sa vyšplhal až na 8.000 návštev denne v mesiacoch máj až do konca augusta.

Na môžete nájsť informácie, ktoré Vám pomôžu lepšie zorganizovať dovolenku už od rezervácie. Portál ponúka všetky štruktúry ubytovania v Lignano Sabbiadoro: penzióny, nocľah s raňajkami, hotely od 1 až do 5 hviezdičiek, realitné agentúry, súkromný prenajímatelia a kempy.

Pre hotely a agentúry máte možnosť zistiť dostupnosť izieb a apartmánov v skutočnom čase podľa vašich potrieb a prípadne si potom môžete rezervovať onlineubytovanie iba niekoľkými jednoduchými kliknutiami. is owned by Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l. with registered office and headquarters in Viale dei Fiori, 18 - Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD), registered with Registro delle Imprese di Udine no. UD-1998-9790, C.F. and VAT No. 02036400303 – here in short titled "Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l.".
Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l. is a company that provides marketing and advertising services to companies of hospitality and tourism field, offering the possibility to accommodation facilities to receive bookings by users.
Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l. doesn't provide services related to the activities of travel and tourism agencies.

Lignano.It neuchováva zadané údaje.

Sensitive data and the data of credit cards given by the users for the completion and the confirmation of bookings made on the portal Lignano.It will pass from the portal to the related individual accommodation facility through secure and certified connections.

Lignano.It is not and intermediary and there is no charge on the reservation made through the portal.

The availability of rooms, apartments, prices and cancellation policy of the bookings are set by the individual accommodation facilities.
The information relating to accommodation facilities, services offered and locations are provided by the affiliates and in no case Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l. be held responsible for any discrepancies.

Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l. can not be held responsible for any failure and/or damage that may occur during the stay of the user in the accommodation facility.
The total or partial copy of the website and/or contents (images, text, trademarks and other even if not explicitly specified) of the portal is expressively prohibited.

Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l. has not responsibility, directly or indirectly, in regard to problems with the access to the website or to the websites that can be accessed through links inside the portal or for any damages suffered by user relating to their content.

Links provided by Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l. not imply necessarily the approval of the sites themselves, on which quality and contents Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l. declines any responsibility.

The use of the portal is allowed only on-line. The portal can not be made accessible via off-line through programs and/or procedures and/or other expedients that download the pages on the local computer or other.

Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l. ensures that the content of the portal is free of viruses commonly detected by the antivirus software active on the server. Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l., however, declines any responsibility for the possible presence of virus not detected by antivirus software used.

Cieľom portálu Lignano.It je uľahčiť organizáciu dovolenky s užitočnými službami a informáciami o prímorskom letovisku. Okrem dostupnosti a rezervácie online nájdete taktiež popis trate do mesta, možnosť požiadať o transfer, zábavné parky pre deti, najmódnejšie lokály, predstavenia na námestiach, online rezervácie slnečníkov pre relaxačnú dovolenku a mnoho ďalšieho.

Lignano.It je riadený:

Mercurio Sistemi s.r.l.
Viale dei Fiori, 18
33054 Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) Italia