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Tempo libero

Benessere Always beautiful, even on holiday In Lignano not miss the opportunity to be beautiful even on holiday. Hairdressers, beauticians and perfumeries with the latest news about cosmetics and body care are available. Not to mention the spa in Lignano with thermal and cosmetic treatments.
Fuori orario Do you feel a peckish late at night? If after a party at the beach you want to eat something or to drink a cocktail, Lignano offers several pubs with kitchen open until dawn.
Discoteche Lignano night-life In a seaside resort like Lignano, rich in young tourists there are many discotheques with the summer music, colourful cocktails and lots of fun. Every disco suggests evenings with a special music selection, theme parties, in garden or in pool until dawn.
Divertimento e relax For adults and children, for fun and relaxation Adults and children can have fun in Lignano in the six amusement and theme parks. Inflatable toys, swimming pools with water slides and artificial waves and the zoo animals in the countryside will entertain you, while for a relaxing stroll or a picnic, Lignano can boast several public parks all well equipped. Strabilia Luna Park,
Noleggiatori Every means of transportation in Lignano The easiest way to get around in Lignano is the bicycle. If you have not brought it from home, take advantage of bike rentals, where you can find also rickshaw for a push on the pedals together with family or friends. If the trip is longer, car rentals are available. Torresan Livio S.n.c Rivenditore Volkswagen - Audi, Noleggi Motoscafi di Maurizio Luciano,
Sport Lignano, a city of sport Outdoor sports and brand new public and private sporting facilities. The beach and the parks in Lignano are perfect places to do some sport and there are also the 50 m pool, sports halls, tennis courts, football fields, basketball and volleyball courts, besides private gyms with modern equipment. Island, Kinesis Club, Noleggi Motoscafi di Maurizio Luciano,