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Cosa fare a Lignano quando piove?

Lignano è una località balneare meta delle vacanze estive di turisti provenienti da tutto il mondo. La spiaggia fa la parte del leone... ma, se piove? Non ti preoccupare, non tutto è perduto. E' vero, non potrai goderti la giornata al mare, ma Lignano Sabbiadoro offre anche altre opportunità. Ecco alcune idee e spunti:   Tutti in sala giochi! Per i i piccoli, ma anche per gli adulti, la sala giochi è una soluzione divertente per trascorrere parte...


The beach for dogs in Lignano

Doggy Beach. A stretch of beach fully equipped for dogs and their masters, who spend their holidays here. No longer have to stay alone in hotels or apartments, finally, they too can enjoy the holiday in a beautiful new and fully equipped beach.The Doggy Beach is located in Lignano Sabbiadoro on Lungomare Marin, near the beach office n. 1, easily reachable also with the public transportation. In addition, the next street is only pedestrian, so, our four-legged friends can make a stroll in a won...


Many holidays in Lignano

Lignano Sabbiadoro is a beautiful beach of golden, soft sand, located on the upper Adriatic Sea, from which, in the days of good weather, you can see the Istrian coast to the east and the Alps to the north. Lignano is a little natural paradise, as it has developed over the years trying to respect nature and enhancing its resources: for this reason the city can boast a wonderful town and not only a seaside tourist destination. Sea, beach, river, lagoon and pine wood.   In Lignano you will fin...
