


Easy Fish - Adriatic Fish Festival 2018
Od 14/06/2018 al 17/06/2018 Jedzenie i wino Miejsce: Lignano Sabbiadoro - Terrazza a Mare

Lignano Sabbiadoro offers also this year a tasting culinary event: "Easy Fish, il festival del Pesce Dell'Alto Adriatico”, that is the festival of the fish on the upper Adriatic Sea.

4 days with cooking shows, workshops, tastings and street food in the beautiful location of Terrazza a Mare in Lignano Sabbiadoro directly on the beach, open to all and completely free.

During these days great chefs, TV stars and local producers of the region Friuli Venezia Giulia will take turns in the kitchen of Terrazza a Mare, to pay homage to the fish symbol of the culinary tradition of the coastline, from Friuli Venezia Giulia to the Veneto, from Croatia to Slovenia.



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+39 0431 724033
