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Pizzeria Bella Napoli

Pizzeria Bella Napoli

Via Centrale , 20
Lignano Sabbiadoro (Sabbiadoro)
Phone: +39.0431.71256
Fax: +39.0431.71256
Web: http://www.bellanapolilignano.it
E-mail: info@bellanapolilignano.it

Something about us...

Pizza restaurant renowned since more than 30 years now and managed since 15 years by Riccardo Palumbo.A wide and welcoming milieu just a few steps far from the town centre, it is equipped with air conditioninig inside and disposes of a large terrace with many open-air tables outside. The delightful summer menu puts at your dispoal not only traditional pizzas, but also refined fish courses. Service is careful and accurate.

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